Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Joy

Our Easter Joy started 12 days before Easter Sunday with an idea I got from Pintrest (ofcourse.)! Each day the boys took turns picking the next egg in our 12 day count down to Easter. Inside was a "clue" and scripture that explained how this clue was part of the Easter story. We really enjoyed this and will include it as part of our Easter traditions because it brought light to some of the small details of Jesus' death and resurrection. I tried to be as detailed (and age appropriate) as possible on what Jesus endured out of His love for us and His Father. Lucas would regularly interrupt with, "that's so sad!". Which is true, but God regularly turns mourning into dancing and His power is perfected in times of weakness. Thank you, Lord.

The boys with our 12 day countdown to Easter eggs.
Josiah with our "Jesus" that was wrapped in white linen (strip of paper towel)...one of the last clues.
Lucas wrapping up Lego Jesus in white linen.
Then the boys put Jesus in the tomb that Lucas made at Highland and put the stone in front. Jesus had risen on Easter morning!
Josiah & Lucas helped boil and dye Easter eggs this year and wanted to stay and watch while the eggs were cooking...I told them it would take a while and to go play. It is true that a watched pot never boils!
The finished products!

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