Thursday, November 15, 2012

Our Journey to Haiti: Day Two

Our day started here:


We had a restful night at the Griffin’s house in Baton Rouge, LA.  Showered, ate and did a load of laundry.  Thanks for your hospitality friends!  The church plant team had a scheduled team meeting this morning so we got to see many friends from our training program: 24:14.  Our boys loves these guys…they always get them WIRED up! =)  This pic only includes part of the team.  They prayed and encouraged us before we headed out for another long day of road tripping.


We crossed into Mississippi.


And got to enjoy true southern hospitality.  They still offer full service at gas stations like “Giterdone”.  I politely declined. =)


Next came Alabama:  the other boys were sleeping for this picture.



The boys are enjoying plenty of games on the iPad to pass the time.

And just when we think we can’t be in the car any longer we see this guy and it puts things back into perspective.  Glad we aren’t this guy!


If I wasn’t on this road trip we would be blazing past all the state lines…unfortunately for Jody and the boys this is a tradition that began in my childhood and I have a hard time not doing.  You can tell from these next pictures that enthusiasm for the pictures at the lines was waning.  But a girl has to do what a girl has to do.  Self picture for all the passerbyers to see.  No shame.



Welcome to Florida Cash Family!  Next stop, Haiti!

Our day “ended” here:  Chick-fil-a in Pensacola, Florida.  We tried to have dinner at Cracker Barrel but that was a MAJOR bust.  We did sit down and order.  But JohnEllis pretty much screamed non stop and the big boys were complete wiggle worms...I can handle the entire restaurant staring at me for only so long.  It was a mistake that was prompted by an adult craving for yummy food.  Of course, it was a bad idea to bring 3 little boys into a restaurant like that after sitting in a car for the past 2 days.  We quickly left with to-go boxes in hand and took a 20 minute detour to find this place:


Yes, that is a fake smile from Jody. And below those are real smiles from the boys.  They were happy to be out of the car in a place they could scream and jump and play.  We are just happy to be somewhere that has understanding parents that just smile and nod when they see a screaming child. 

We love Chick-fil-a!


Now, Jody is sitting in the play place with screaming kids and I am blogging using free WiFi and eating my salad from Cracker Barrel.  Yes, that is tacky but as of now, I am okay with that. The boys will hopefully be worn out and will sleep soon in the car.  Jody and I are planning on taking turns driving through the night until we land in Ft. Lauderdale, FL tomorrow morning.

PRAY for our final leg of the journey.  Tomorrow will be a full day after a night of driving shifts.  We love you and your prayers!


  1. I love this blog! Love the pictures! Love the Cashes! Ok, Jessi... can you do this every day until you come back to the states? :) Thanks for sticking to the family tradition of taking pictures at the state line! LOVE IT! Tell Jody, I love, love, love that cute fake smile. I think I've seen that one a time or two. Stay awake whoever is driving right now! Getting ready to read the next blog. :) Love ya! MOM :)

  2. Thanks for the blow by blow, though even now at this early stage of enthusiasm I suspect details are being left out, which is fine. In fact it's necessary. And don't worry about trying to keep this up daily much longer, Jessica. Most of us will be content with occasional updates of the highlights (and low-lows) of your life. But meanwhile, the blow-by-blow account is great fun! May the Lord keep y'all! (He is.)
