Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Prayer Hogs.

We have been basking in the glow of many prayers and encouragements from this past weekend.  It was our last Sunday at our home, Antioch Community Church, so we attended all of 2 services and part of another!  It was a long day but super worth it.  At the beginning of each service, we were surrounded and prayed over by our friends and family.  People who love us, support us and encourage us to greater things in the Kingdom.  It seems strange to think that we will not be back to worship with our Antioch family for quite a while.  It is one of the top things we will miss while being gone.


I felt a bit like a prayer hog.   We have been prayed over by so many people recently but still at the end of the 3rd service, my husband grabbed my hand and up we went during ministry time for more prayer from a specific couple that Jody has been wanting to have pray over us for some time now.  (They raised FIVE boys with God’s help so…that explains why.)

That evening we saw on Twitter this picture:


She was one of the teachers in Lucas’ class and knew it was our last Sunday in Waco so she had the rest of the 3 year olds pray over Lucas and send him out as a missionary.  Sweeter than all things sweet!  It made me cry. 

I am so thankful for our church that doesn’t “dumb” down the things of God and the His Kingdom to our children but instead encourages them to live it out now!  It is unnecessary to wait to be a fully devoted follower of Jesus till adulthood!  These little ones have powerful insight into the Kingdom of Heaven that isn’t messed up by adult thinking. Wow!  Thanks Courtney for initiating this.

Luke 18:15-17 (MSG)  People brought babies to Jesus, hoping he might touch them.  When the disciples saw it, they shooed them off.  Jesus called them back.  “Let these children alone.  don’t’ get between them and me.  These children are the kingdom’s pride and joy.  Mark this:  Unless you accept God’s kingdom in the simplicity of a child, you’ll never get in.”

Tonight we are going to our last LifeGroup before leaving tomorrow.  They are going to pray over us.  Then tomorrow we meet at our church parking for our send off…where they will pray over us before we head out.

Prayer Hog.  Yup.


  1. Aw, we just loved praying over Lucas! It was so special that I got to sub in that class on that night! Love you guys and am so excited for your big adventure!

  2. Loved reading and seeing this! I wrote a longer comment, but hit a wrong button and lost it... bummer. Love ya! Mom :)
